Statement Regarding Accessibility
Statement Regarding Accessibility
If you are experiencing difficulty accessing content on this site, please do not hesitate to contact our Information Center at 1-877-463-6287 for assistance.
Middlesex Savings Bank recognizes the importance of website accessibility. Our site displays correctly in most current browsers and text content has been built primarily with HTML to enable text-to-speech applications. However, we cannot guarantee that the site’s format will work with every such application. Videos with audio recordings have been transcribed. Some documents on the website are produced in portable document format (PDF), which may or may not be compatible with text-to-speech applications. Alternative accessible formats also are provided, where possible, most commonly through a text or an HTML file. Some pages may have partial conformance due to the use of third party vendors.
Middlesex Savings Bank does not claim full site-wide conformance, but instead partial conformance, as defined by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Level AA 2.1. We continue to review and explore ways to improve accessibility to our site.
Should you experience any difficulty in accessing the website, please contact our Information Center at 1-877-463-6287 for assistance.